November 07, 2013

New Financial Advantage of Buying Now

We left off discussing "Why it's a great time to buy" and I want to show you that there's a new financial advantage buying a home right now.  Yes, now.

We know that there are basically two ways to really build wealth in this country.  One is to invest your cash in the next Google, Facebook, or something similar.  The other way, we know is by owning real estate.

Following is a breakdown of a typical American families net worth per a Federal Reserve report that was released late last year.  Based on that data compiled and the subsequent research done .. guess what????? 

It was found that more than half of this American families net worth was actually in their home.  Despite the toughest decade in American real estate history, it found that the savings people have in their home typically outweighs their other savings and investments.

Prices are increasing at a modest, yet steady pace coupled with historically low interest rates - (for now) creating the perfect window of opportunity for those with the proper guidance and understanding of today's market.

Stay tuned for more updates as you prepare to take advantage of this window of opportunity before it closes........

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