October 09, 2013

Akim | meaning of Akim | name Akim - Part I

As a Realtor, I meet new people all the time.  When meeting someone for the first time, I usually introduce myself as follows:Hello, my name is Akim Smyer ......

After greetings are exchanged,  I am often asked the origin or meaning of the name Akim.  To which I have several answers, depending on the situation and time available.  So I began thinking that my Blog would be a great place to share the story of what I've learned over the years about not only the meaning of the name Akim, but how Akim was chosen to become my name, along with a few other fun facts that I uncovered at www.Thinkbabynames.com, www.Sheknows.com  and  www.Mybaby.net.au about the name Akim.

Because I know your time is valuable and to keep it brief, yet interesting I have broken my story down into installments to share with you.

So please join me and discover "whats in a name"?, as I share the meanings and origin of the name Akim in Part I of my story

Meanings and Origins of the Name AKIM Part 1

The name AKIM is both a boy and girl's name. (some will swear that it's not a girl's name, but this was a non- issue during my childhood years - the primary issue was that my name was simply considered “odd” or “unusual” during that period in the mid 60’s) 

In fact, it was so "odd" sounding to many of the elders in my family, that Akim was quickly shortened to Kim without question or permission from my parents.  Only they can get away with that.

The name AKIM is 2 syllables long and is pronounced '(AH kim)'.

I pronounce my name ‘(AH Keem)’,  I mention this because while most people do pronounce my name correctly the first time, over the years, it has been butchered more times than I can count. 

In the next installment, I will share some of my personal stories and experiences as they relate to my name, which I hope you will find interesting and maybe even funny.

Akim | meaning of Akim | name Akim

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